It happens like clockwork. Immediately after Halloween, everywhere you look, the signs of the impending holidays are everywhere: Christmas music wafting through the air of the local mall, holiday lights strung around street lamps, and of course, the food. Cookies, cakes, turkey, stuffing, chocolate, candy, and booze – it’s enough to give you a sugar high that lasts until spring.
We all know that overindulgence has a high price tag – extra pounds, bloat, moodiness, tight-fitting clothes, and fatigue. This year, why not jump-start your resolution to be fit and fabulous? Is there a secret rule that says you must wait until midnight, December 31?
No one will argue that deprivation on Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa or any other wintertime holiday you celebrate is unrealistic. However, there is a big difference between a sensibly sized portion of turkey and all the trimmings, a small piece of pie, and maybe a glass of wine than second and third helpings of everything, too much alcohol, and a glut of sweets. With a little planning, you can have your cake (or pie) and eat it too.
Here are some suggestions for avoiding Holiday Hangovers (of too much of anything!):
- Plan ahead of time what you are going to eat
- Enjoy your turkey – it’s good for you! Take off the skin as it’s just fatty calories.
- Go ahead and have mashed potatoes or a roll – but limit yourself to one small scoop and one roll.
- If you are going to bring a dish, opt for a healthier version of an unhealthy classic – marinated green beans vs. green bean casserole, whole-wheat rolls vs. white, or homemade whole grain bread.
- Eat a green salad before your meal so you get full faster. Toss with balsamic vinaigrette rather than a creamy full fat dressing.
- Choose larger servings of veggies than starchy carbs.
- If you must graze, eat fresh cut raw veggies. Hummus or plain yogurt is a healthy alternative to ranch or onion dip.
- Savor your meal! Enjoy every bite, just as you enjoy the time you are spending with your loved ones.
- Don’t over-do the alcohol. Limit yourself to one drink, and sip it over the course of dinner. If you are driving, skip the alcohol altogether and have water with lemon (naturally detoxifying) or coffee or tea.
- Think about a 21-day jump-start of the HCG diet! Because the first 2 days are calorie-loading days, you could actually start your diet on Thanksgiving and the day after, and finish your first round before Christmas!
- Herbal 10 day detox: to get clean from the inside out, ask us about our exclusive detox plans that can get you feeling great and looking beautiful just in time for those holiday parties and family get togethers.
It’s a wonderful time of year to take control of your health. The holidays are a time to reflect on our blessings and practice gratitude. Why not give yourself an early gift of rejuvenation?
Come January 1, your friends and relatives will still be recovering from their holiday stupor, and you’ll be glowing with health and boundless energy.
To fight the post-holiday blues, join us for our first event of 2012:
Girls Night Out!
Thursday, January 5, 4-8 p.m.
Topics on Bio-Identical Hormones, Weight Loss, and Decreased Libido (Low Sex Drive)
Giveaways, Facials, Chair Massages, and More! Join us!
RSVP by calling our office at 513-777-0787
To Your Holiday Health,
Dr. Brenner and Staff